Right To Know

Right To Know

Open Record Officer
The Board of Supervisors have appointed Cindy Beck as the Township Open Records Officer.

The Open Records Officer may be reached at:

PO Box 520
387 Ye Olde Highway
Mt. Bethel, PA 18343
Phone: 570/897-6127
Fax: 570/897-0108

Your request must be made in writing addressed to the Open Records Officer on the Standard Right To Know Request Form. This form is available at the Township Municipal Office or from our Forms & Documents section, where the form may be printed. Please mail, email, fax, or drop off your request form.

These may include twenty-five cents per copy per page per side.  If you would like to have documents mailed to you, the cost of postage will also be assessed. If your request amounts to one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more, you may be required to remit the fees in advance.

Inspection, Retrieval, and Duplication
After the Open Records Officer has communicated to you with regard to your request and fees, you can make arrangements with regard to inspection, retrieval and duplication of any and all documents that are deemed to be public records. If your request does not require any special handling, then the documents can be viewed and/or duplicated at the Municipal Building during established business days and hours, with the exception of any days that the building may be closed. The Open Records Officer will work with you concerning any request that may require special viewing and/or duplication for any reason, including but not necessarily limited to the size and/or volume of the documents requested.

Information Regarding Appeals
You must file an appeal within 15 business days of the Township’s response or writing 15 business days of a deemed denial.